A 10 minute work out on one of our Vibration platforms is equal to over 1 hour at the gym

Easy 1 - Whole Body Vibration Exercise Platform

Lightweight - Less than 55lbs/25 kg

Compact - Bas dimension of 22” x24”

Portable- Eay for travellers or RV users

Collapsible- Plus wheels for easy moving or storing

Accessible- Unobstructed access fo the immobile or wheelchair bound

Durable - 1 year warranty

Customizable - 60 speed levels, manual and pre-set programs

Capacity- 265 lbs/125kgs

Enter no sweat zone enter

What is a Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Platform?

It is excercise, more specifically - resistance training. It is exactly the same as weight training. Your body is the resistance instead of the heavy weights. The platform you stand on oscillates under fyou causing vibration. As it drops your muscles stretch, every time your muscles stretch - they have to contract, the same as traditional exercise. The great thing with WBV is that the muscles stretch and contract up to 40 times per second. This is like doing up to 40 jumps per second. Impossible to do with traditional exercise. Also it stretches all your muscles at the same time. Your core, slow twitch, fast twitch, legs, abdomen, back, sholders, arms and organs all by just standing on the platform using your weight as the resistance. So, in 10 minutes, you get a whole body workout because you worked all your muscles at the same time.


Benefits Of Vibration Platforms

There is no stress on any joints or your cardiovascular system so anyone can use it from kids to the totally immobile.

Who can use Vibration Platforms?

Anyone with MS, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson’s cardiovascular disease, stroke or injuries can yield the benefits of exercise while working within thier limitations. Anyone from the the totally inactive to professional athletes con benefit.

Vibration Exercise advantages

The advantage of a Vibration Exercise Platform is it gives you an entire, full body workout in 10 minutes. You don’t have to change, redo your make up, take a large time block out of your day, just step on and hit start! You can do it anytime of the day and several times a day as you get stronger. Shake your booty when you wake up or before you go to bed, any time of the day you can get a full body workout. With Vibration Exercise you will build lean muscle mass, firm and tone, get rid of cellulite, build bones, increase circulation, detoxiify, relieve pain, gain flexbility, increase collagen, lose weight and just plain feel better!

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